Desert Camp Pushkar
Ours desert camp is 9 kilometres. far from Pushkar town. Pushkar village is surrounded by Arravali hills . Ours desert camp is among the semi sand dunes. Near the pushkar adventure desert camp so many rose garden, marry gold flowers garden give us very sweet smell. Fresh flowers give us energy and fresh smell. Travellers and visitors feeling solitude and peaceful movement .Nature lovers they can enjoyed with many kinds of birds and wild animal roaming around the pushkar adventure desert camp. Other side many farmers and villagers seems very busy with work and visitors can see their traditional dress ornaments custom and simple life . Nature provides an conceding feast of beautiful objects to the on lookers live sunrise and sunset the full moon the cyclical changes of of season alee delights the senses of inspire. The beautiful sight and sound not only provide immediate pleasure to visitors they leave indelible impression on his /her mind. The sight of tress, mountain and desert refreshes the mind and move efficiency than before sunset time looks very attractive and beautiful awesome. In the morning chirping of birds feeling a nature noise this the movement give real feeling of internal peace ,joy and charm in desert Camp in Pushkar.